Yorku ace program contribution   march 2016   new blur

FGP Renews Commitment to York University

Foyston, Gordon & Payne is pleased to continue its long-standing support of the Advanced Credit Experience (ACE) program at York University. After a decade as a sponsor, we have renewed our 10-year, $100,000 commitment to this special initiative which integrates 30 students in the last year of high school into York University's main campus for one semester. In that semester, these students take their regular high school courses and one university-level course.

The ACE program is meant to expose a slice of university life to high school students who show the potential to attend university upon graduation from high school. One previous participant in the ACE program, for instance, has completed a master's degree and is contemplating pursuing a PhD.

The $10,000 cheque for 2016 was presented by FGP's David Adkins (centre), Senior Vice President & Portfolio Manager - Institutional Client Services, to Dr. Ronald Owston, Dean of York's Faculty of Education, and Salima Kassam, the ACE program's coordinator.


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